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The distinction between AI and not AI is definitely a big deal! They took money from arts of humanity (ridiculed it, and deemed it as unimportant) while they lauded and poured into tech. Big mistake! For art is just as (if not more) important as technology. The rise and praise of technology is so sad to see. Soulless computers being used to replace man, poorly replicating creation/what it means to be alive, instead of for convivence. Society reflecting this too as people are now so callous an cruel to one another, as if everyone forgot that we are all humans. Not only that but propaganda and fake images are going to be hard even harder for ppl to distinguish. Also do you know how much resources (energy, water) AI uses and how much CO2 it produces?? All of this for things that we don't need, all of this so the rich can make more millions. Its sad to see. AI is terrible.

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